Healing and well-being for an individual is multilayered, multifaceted, unique, and sacred.
- Multilayered because as human beings, we have many layers - body, mind, emotions, and soul, all interacting, affecting us on all levels.
- Multifaceted because our bodies, minds, emotions, and souls create a unique combination of life experiences and responses.
- Sacred, because our souls are part of and connected to the Spiritual Force that creates and sustains life.
It is Spiritual Life Force that provides healing for us all. Holistic healing practices support all of our layers, body, mind, emotions, and soul. Within that framework, we as individuals have a unique set of needs for food, movement, understanding, connection, and love.
When we have what we need, on all levels, we grow and thrive, are well, happy, and have vitality. We are the rose, the sacred rose, and we blossom.